Our Commitment to Operating Responsibly
At Carousel we are committed to operating in an ethical, social & environmental responsible way. In 2021 we started this process by installing 210 Solar Panels on the roof of our factory to help offset our carbon footprint. On average, we are reducing our Carbon Usage by 13,990kg every year! We also run a recycling program, to reduce our cardboard & pallet wrap from going to landfill.
Unapologetically Kiwi - Local company, supporting local families. We are a proud employer for the kiwi economy and we wouldn't have it any other way!
As a company deeply ingrained in the hearts of kiwi's, we're a huge fan of supporting our community to do more! We love supporting community & sporting events by offering up a sweet treat. If you have an event coming up that aligns with us, feel free to get in touch, we might just be able to help.